Step Challenge: Weekly Ranking

Install the "Step Challenge" app from our store. On the home screen, tap the "Apps" button to access the store.

Every week players of the whole world compete to be in the Top 100 players in the World.

How it works:

  • Every Monday the "Weekly Challenge" starts.
  • Players must Join every week to participate, by entering the app and clicking "Join now!"

  • From Monday to Saturday you can log in and your steps will be added.
  • It is not necessary to have the app open. But you must enter the app to update the latest steps the phone has recorded.
  • You can see in real time your number of steps and your position in the ranking.

  • On Sunday the Ranking closes and the winner list shows up.

  • During Sunday Players can enter to collect their MOV reward.
  • All players participating will earn a reward. If you are among the TOP 100, you will earn extra MOVs based on your position.


Do I earn just by participating?

Yes, every player that joins the challenge every week, no matter its position, will win between 2 & 5 MOV's (as of 11/Jun/24, this may change).

Do I have to Join every week?

Yes, after every reset, players must join the challenge. But they can do it whenever they want as long as it is before the challenge closes.

When does it Start and Finish?

The Ranking Challenge starts on Monday at 00.00 UTC time and ends on Sunday at 00.00 UTC time.

I Join the challenge and my step count is only 1 step?

When you Join for the first time ever to the Step app your count might be only 1. That is due to permissions not being granted earlier and the app not being able to record steps. This won't happen again unless you change permissions at any point.

My Step count reset to 1, why?

If you change your time clock, or change other parameters involved in the recording of the steps, the step count will reset to 0/1.

Every time I click Join I get an error message?

Please check your activity permissions, you can click on the button of the "error" message to open the app setting directly. Also take into account some phones don't support Step count functionalities, so if you don't have the option to grant "activity" permissions to the app, this is probably the case. Check with the manufacturer to be sure.

I didn't collect the reward on Sunday, can I recover it?

No, all rewards must be collected on Sunday between 00:00 UTC and 23:59 UTC.

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